When I hover my mouse of the Toolbar Search field, it says it will
search on Headers and Bodies, which is exactly what I want. I don't see
a way to change that on the fly, as I can in the Mailbox Search. But I
never cared, since I've always wanted Header and Bodies or both the
Toolbar Search and the Mailbox Search.
Post by Bill ColePost by Ralph AlvyI found it. Edit > Find > Use as Default Search
I believe that to make the toolbar search box use that you need to
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDefaultSearchScope
Post by Ralph AlvyPost by Ralph AlvyI recently had to uninstall and reinstall MM and don't have my
search default the way I had it before: Common Headers or Text. I
don't remember how I changed it to be that.
Bill Cole
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